Mobile Home Moving Links

Links Permitting Orange County Seminole County Lake County Volusia County Brevard County State of Florida Guidelines Rule 15C (code for setting up mobile homes in Florida) Call us today! 407-792-1604
FHA Loan Upgrades

FHA Loan Upgrades McLay Mobile Homes can provide FHA Loan Upgrades so that you may purchase a mobile home, sell your mobile home, get new insurance, or re-finance FHA Loans are becoming very popular these days, however, when applying for these loans for mobile homes, they have a main requirement. THE MOBILE HOME MUST BE […]
Under Home Inspections

Under Home Inspections Most mobile home owners have no idea how their mobile home is setup and therefore may not know how bad their homes foundation can be. Under home inspections will cover many things and give you the information that you need in order to make sure that your home is as safe and […]
Mobile Home Hurricane Preparedness
Mobile Home Hurricane Preparedness McLay Mobile Homes can prepare your mobile home for a hurricane and heavy winds As we know by living in the state of Florida, hurricanes are one of our biggest threats, especially when it comes to mobile homes! We learned in 2004, we cannot take them lightly. When a mobile home […]
Moving Portables

Portables McLay Mobile Homes also relocates portables. Portables are mostly found at schools and can be purchased from that particular school. The normal size of these portables are 24’x44′. They are a lot more difficult to transport as they cannot be split in half like a normal mobile home can. They normally have to be […]
Mobile Home Removal

Mobile Home Removal McLay Mobile Homes can remove your mobile home and transport it to the landfill Mobile homes unfortunately do not live forever which is why there may come a time for us to remove your mobile home so that you may replace it with another one. There are 2 ways of doing this: […]
Mobile Home Relevels

Mobile Home Relevels McLay Mobile Homes can relevel your mobile home so that it is just as level as the day it was setup Mobile Homes settle, just as block homes settle. The only difference is that a block home is on a concrete foundation and a mobile home is on individual piers. There can […]

Mobile Home Anchoring McLay Mobile Homes will anchor down your mobile home to provide maximum wind resistance Most mobile homes in the state of Florida are not tied-down correctly. More than likely they were set-up many years ago prior to the updated codes. The reason for updating the state codes were because mobile homes were […]
Mobile Home Relocation & Transport

McLay Mobile Homes specializes in completely relocating and transporting your mobile home to your new location in Florida. However there are many steps that go along with that process and we can assist you with each and every one of them. Mobile Home Permitting McLay Mobile Homes will walk you through all aspects of permitting […]