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Mobile Home Relevels

mobile home relevel

Mobile Home Relevels

McLay Mobile Homes can relevel your mobile home so that it is just as level as the day it was setup

Mobile Homes settle, just as block homes settle. The only difference is that a block home is on a concrete foundation and a mobile home is on individual piers. There can be many factors that contribute to a mobile home becoming out of level. Some factors are heavy traffic in a certain area, soft ground, washing machine shaking the home, or adding ceramic tile or a new roof. Regardless of the reason, mobile homes need to be re-leveled on an average of every 3-5 years.

An un-level home can cause:

Doors to not open
Doors not staying open
Skirting starting to buckle
Cracks in your interior molding
Make you feel like you are walking on a slope
Most importantly it can severely damage your home!

Re-levels also need to be performed prior to doing any work on your mobile home.

Ceramic Tile
New Doors
New flooring
Exterior Siding
New Skirting
The cost of a re-level will be determinate based upon many variables including the size of your home, the type of skirting, and the severity of the un-levelness.

Discount are available if multiple re-levels can be performed at the same park / area / subdivision.

Call McLay Homes for your re-level today!

Call us today! 407-792-1604

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